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Cardiac Markers Tumor Markers Inflammation Markers Thyroid Bone Metabolism Kidney Markers Preeclampsia Hormones Gastrointestinal Diseases Coagulation and Thrombosis Diabetes & Metabolism Alzheimer's Disease TORCH Infectious Diseases Drug of Abuse Veterinary Autoimmune Diseases Flow Cytometry Antibody General Reagents & Consumable

The thyroid is an important endocrine organ in the human body, which has the function of synthesizing thyroxine and triiodothyronine. The related diseases caused by abnormal thyroid function are common clinical diseases. Thyroid function examination can provide help for clinical prevention, diagnosis and treatment of organ function damage and substance metabolism disorder caused by abnormal thyroid function.

  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Receptor (TSHR)

    TSHR is a macromolecular glycoprotein located in the follicular cell membrane of the thyroid gland and belongs to the G protein-coupled receptor superfamily, which is the main antigen of toxic diffuse goiter. It is divided into 3 parts: extracellular, transmembrane and intracellular regions.

    Cat.No. Product Name Application-Platform Product Description
    HA134-1H TSHR Antibody Detection-CLIA Humanized Antibody
    HP134-8 TSHR Antigen Capture-CLIA CHO
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

    TSH is produced in specific basophilic cells of the anterior pituitary gland, and the release of TSH from the pituitary gland is the central regulatory mechanism by which the body exerts its physiological effects on thyroxine, stimulating the production and secretion of thyroxine; TSH testing is the primary screening test to identify thyroid function, and small changes in free thyroid hormone concentrations can bring about significant adjustments in TSH concentrations in the opposite direction.

    Cat.No. Product Name Application-Platform Product Description
    HA147-1M TSH Antibody Detection-FIA/CLIA Mouse Antibody, specific to complete TSH
    HA147-2M TSH Antibody Capture-FIA/CLIA Mouse Antibody, specific to β-subunit
    HP147-1 TSH Antigen Quality Control-FIA/CLIA CHO, full-length sequence
  • Triiodothyronine (T3)

    T3, also known as triiodothyronine, is a tyrosine containing iodine, which is synthesized in the thyroid gland cells using iodine and tyrosine as raw materials. When the thyroid gland is subjected to TSH and thyroid hormone is released, the glandular epithelial cells first swallow the thyroglobulin in the follicular cavity into the glandular cells by swallowing, and under the action of lysosomal protein hydrolase, the thyroglobulin is broken down, and the liberated T4 and T3 can enter the blood circulation through the capillaries.

    Cat.No. Product Name Application-Platform Product Description
    HA123-7R T3 Antibody Detection-FIA Rabbit Antibody, suitable for tT3 and fT3
    HA123-2S T3 Antibody Capture-CLIA Sheep Antibody, suitable for tT3 and fT3
    HP123-1 T3-KLH-BGG Capture-FIA T3 Conjugate
  • Tetraiodothyronine (T4)

    T4 is the most secreted hormone in the thyroid gland, and its metabolic regulation, like that of T3, is controlled by the hypothalamic-anterior pituitary-thyroid axis; the biological activity of T4 is lower than that of T3.

    Cat.No. Product Name Application-Platform Product Description
    HA123-5S T4 Antibody Capture-CLIA Sheep Antibody, suitable for tT4 and fT4
    HA123-9R T4 Antibody Detection-FIA Rabbit Antibody, suitable for tT4 and fT4
    HP123-4 T4-KLH-BGG Capture-FIA T4 Conjugate
  • Thyroglobulin (Tg)

    Thyroglobulin (Tg) is a large glycoprotein (MW=660,000) stored in the follicular gel of the thyroid gland. Thyroglobulin is the hormone that synthesizes T4 and T3 within the thyroid gland. Thyroglobulin (Tg) is secreted by thyroid follicular epithelial cells and is the precursor protein for thyroid hormone synthesis and storage. elevated serum Tg levels are associated with three factors: goiter; inflammation and damage to thyroid tissue; and thyroid stimulation by TSH, hCG or TRAb.

    Cat.No. Product Name Application-Platform Product Description
    HA144-10M Tg Antibody Detection-CLIA Mouse Antibody
    HA144-12M Tg Antibody Capture-CLIA Mouse Antibody
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