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Thyroglobulin (Tg)

Clinical Significance

Thyroglobulin (Tg) is a large glycoprotein (MW=660,000) stored in the follicular gel of the thyroid gland. Thyroglobulin is the hormone that synthesizes T4 and T3 within the thyroid gland. Thyroglobulin (Tg) is secreted by thyroid follicular epithelial cells and is a precursor protein for thyroid hormone synthesis and a storage vehicle. elevated serum Tg levels are associated with three factors: goiter; inflammation and damage to thyroid tissue; and thyroid stimulation by TSH, hCG or TRAb.
        Thyroglobulin is present in the serum of healthy individuals and its value increases in the presence of some disorder that destroys thyroid tissue. elevated circulating Tg levels can be seen in Hashimoto (disease chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis CLT), Graves (viral diffuse goiter), thyroid adenoma, subacute thyroiditis, and thyroid cancer. Therefore, it is mainly used as an indicator after thyroidectomy. Thyroglobulin can be detected in patients who have had thyroidectomy and who do not have thyroglobulin antibodies in their blood.

Product Information

Cat.No. Product Name Application-Platform Product Description
HA144-10M Tg Antibody Detection-CLIA Mouse Antibody
HA144-12M Tg Antibody Capture-CLIA Mouse Antibody