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Recently, a new strain of Coronavirus C.37 was discovered for the first time in Peru and named "Lambda" by the World Health Organization (WHO), following the Delta variant discovery.
The new mutant strain, Lambda, has now spread to 29 countries and territories worldwide. According to Public Health England, in addition to South America, cases of Lambda have been reported in the United States, Canada, Germany, Spain, Israel, the UK, Zimbabwe and other surrounding countries. The continued mutation of the new coronavirus means that the global response needs to be further accelerated. It is understood that the Ramada strain has several genetic mutations in its stinger protein. As a result, the Ramada strain is not only highly infectious, but also has a high ability to resist comprehensive antibodies.
In June this year, the World Health Organization (WHO) listed Ramada as one of the mutated viruses "to watch out for".
Heavy Chain Biologics will continue to monitor the prevalence of new strains and validate the major VOC as well as VOI variant prevalent strains in a timely manner through recombinant full-length N protein expression in HEK293S cells. The new crown antibodies developed by Heavy Chain are able to recognize these strains and provide the following relevant products as control group.