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Cardiac Markers Tumor Markers Inflammation Markers Thyroid Bone Metabolism Kidney Markers Preeclampsia Hormones Gastrointestinal Diseases Coagulation and Thrombosis Diabetes & Metabolism Alzheimer's Disease TORCH Infectious Diseases Drug of Abuse Veterinary Autoimmune Diseases Flow Cytometry Antibody General Reagents & Consumable
Soluble Fms-Like Tyrosine Kinase Receptor 1 (sFlt-1)

Clinical Significance

β-amyloid protein, with a molecular weight of about 4 kDa, is produced by the hydrolysis of β-amyloid precursor protein (APP), which is secreted by cells and has a strong neurotoxic effect after precipitation and accumulation in the cell matrix. β-amyloid-β (Aβ) is a peptide containing 39-43 amino acids produced by the hydrolysis of amyloid precursor protein (APP) by β- and γ-secretase. Aβ is a 39-43 amino acid peptide produced by the proteolysis of amyloid precursor protein (APP) by β- and γ-secretase. It can be produced by a variety of cells and circulates in blood, cerebrospinal fluid and interstitial fluid, mostly bound to chaperone protein molecules, with a few existing in the free state. It is the main cause of degeneration and death of neurons around the senile plaques in the brain of AD patients.

Product Information

Cat.No. Product Name Application-Platform Product Description
HA132-7M sflt-1 Antibody Detection-FIA/CLIA Mouse Antibody
HA132-8M sflt-1 Antibody Detection-FIA Mouse Antibody
HA132-1MB sflt-1 Antibody Capture-FIA Mouse Antibody
HA132-6M sflt-1 Antibody Detection/Capture-FIA/CLIA Mouse Antibody
HA132-9M sflt-1 Antibody Capture-FIA/CLIA Mouse Antibody
HP132-1 sflt-1 Antigen Quality Control-FIA/CLIA CHO