
Provide you with the best solution for the use of raw materials

Cardiac Markers Tumor Markers Inflammation Markers Thyroid Bone Metabolism Kidney Markers Preeclampsia Hormones Gastrointestinal Diseases Coagulation and Thrombosis Diabetes & Metabolism Alzheimer's Disease TORCH Infectious Diseases Drug of Abuse Veterinary Autoimmune Diseases Flow Cytometry Antibody General Reagents & Consumable

Clinical Significance

As one of the important components of diagnostic reagents, it can effectively prevent bridging caused by non-analytes and improve product performance.

Product Information

Cat.No. Product Name Platform Product Description
HR900-1 Blocker 1 Rapid test/FIA/CLIA Mouse Antibody
HR900-2 Blocker 2 Rapid test/FIA/CLIA Mouse Antibody
HR900-3 Blocker 3 Rapid test Mouse Antibody
HR900-4 Blocker 4 Rapid test Mouse Antibody
HR900-5 RBC Antibody Rapid test/FIA Mouse Antibody
HR900-6 Blocker 6 Rapid test/FIA/CLIA Mouse Antibody
HR900-9 Blocker 9 Rapid test/FIA/CLIA Mouse Antibody
HR900-10 Blocker 10 Rapid test/FIA/CLIA Mouse Antibody